Dynamic Bike Sizing/Prescriptive Fit

In the market for a new bike?

Come in and let’s get you on my Purely Custom Fit Bike. We will go through a dynamic fit process to find the best size bicycle, for your style and comfort. We can then look up the bicycle that you want, and several other models, that match your coordinates from the fit bike to help you make a more informed purchase.




Existing Bike Fit

Bring your existing bicycle in for a hands on session to help you ride more comfortable and in most cases, increase your power.
A bike fit can help you with things like saddle soreness, numb feet or aching knees. This is accomplished by applying proven methods designed to assist with reducing or eliminating the occurrences mentioned.


Foot measuring and Cleat Placement

This service is currently only available for existing fit clients.

Call 210-264-5962, for available times.